Wednesday, August 29, 2018

No label

I am praying that John flips Congress from the grave. Come on governor Ducey, give that seat to Cindy just like Elizabeth Dole took Bob's.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

The Dog's tooth Violet below makes it look like spring as well. So I uploaded the wrong picture...lets try again. Good job..that is a crocus.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Why must the Apocalypse doom mongers smother one and all with their dire warnings and calls to recant? Recant from what? Humanity? Well that is the goal I think if one is to believe in any of a number of religions. I am pretty sure that all religions seek a state above humanity. I believe that all faiths believe in the Golden rule.
Let's all be quiet in our piping and listen to nature for a bit. It is the voice of God!

Saturday, August 29, 2009


Sometimes I wonder, Will trappers die as their victims,pinned to one spot, unable to move, unable to run, screaming, terrified, filled with excruciating pain, then finally after hours or days go by, release comes with a bullet to the head?

So if torturing animals is wrong, ugly, and a sign of psychopathic behavior, tell me why it is otherwise if done for money?

And if it's ok if done for money, then would it not then be pretty much ok to be a hit man? " Oh, no", you say "that is people." Well are there not some people that you have no respect for..."Oh yes, kill them". Aw, so now I see. Are there not people then who consider you...."people of no account"? But they are heathens then you say....and so are them.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Back to the Grind for Me!

Tomato Bane....well ok a regular tomato worm but they can sure wreck havoc on the tomato patch defoliating whole plants in a singe night.

Monday, August 17, 2009

to be alive!

It's a brand new day

The morning sun peaks through the trees at 6:45 a.m. It's going to be another beautiful day!